Monday, January 14, 2013

No Need to Hate

In life . . . .There are some feelings that we used to feel everyday. Hate is one of those feelings. But we don't need to hate each day. Hate only makes things complicated when you're in it. The things that crossed our mind is . . . .  How can you hate without forgetting that you hate that person? or how can you hate someone but not ready to be hated by someone else? REMEMBER, no one loves to hate or to know that you're hating someone . And once you hate someone and somebody knows that, prepare to be hated. The first rules of happiness is DON'T HATE.


  1. yes, agree with your post.
    tapi hate & enggak suka beda ga?

  2. Most of people thinks they're just the same, but they are different, istilah simplenya sih siapa yang benci pasti gasuka, tapi siapa aja yang gasuka belum tentu benci.
